Students attend 剑桥学派 because they have been diagnosed with a language-based learning difference — such as dyslexia, 书写困难, 注意力缺陷多动症, 听觉加工障碍, 或者执行功能障碍——并且在传统的学术环境中挣扎. 在我们的支持下,这些聪明的孩子在剑桥茁壮成长:
- 以语言为基础的课程,利用循证程序
- 显式的, 直接, 系统的教学是精心个性化的,以满足每个孩子的需求
- 多感官教学技术,创造更具体和完整的学习体验
- 由尖端科技支持的课堂教学
小班授课, 我们的方法允许每个学生按照他或她的节奏进步, 从而提高对技能的掌握程度,增强自尊.
另外, 十大老品牌网赌网址大全全体教师, 不管他们的内容专业是什么, 是否接受过我们使用的语言课程的培训, 包括, 但不限于:
- Wilson Reading System®(一级认证)
- Orton-Gillinham方法
- Lindamood-Bell®学习过程
- Hochman基本写作技巧
- 故事语法标记®
我们的语言基础课程包括三个, 每天45分钟的语言教学, 包括语言, 书面表达, 和阅读. 关于我们在剑桥使用的程序和方法的信息可以在下面找到.
Orton-Gillingham 原始的顺序,多感官,语音为基础的方法. 基本的声音/符号联系是通过结合视觉来引入的, 听觉, 以及动觉模式. A three-part drill engages these senses while students are introduced to and integrate new phonetic concepts. 该项目通过使用包括沙盘在内的多感官工具来吸引学生, 混合董事会, 元音的帐篷, “空气写作”, 写屏幕. Students build phonemic awareness and increase phonological processing — foundational skills for reading and 拼写.
威尔逊阅读计划 是基于奥顿-吉林厄姆哲学的吗. 通过直接, 顺序, multi-sensory instruction students learn the structure of the English language and increase decoding and encoding skills to a mastery level. 课程引入新的概念,同时巩固已经学过的知识.
的 Wilson Reading System® is the foundation of all Wilson intervention 程序s 包括 基金会® and Wilson Just Words®. 的 Wilson Reading System® is an intensive 程序 for students in grades 2 – 12 who are not making sufficient progress through their current intervention or require more intensive structured literacy instruction due to the level of their language-based learning difference. At 剑桥学派 instruction in the Wilson Reading System® is provided in 1:1 or small group 设置s.
在我们的低年级使用, 基金会® 早期干预计划是否基于威尔逊阅读系统®的原则. 通过以研究为基础的策略和系统明确的指导, 基金会®提供全面的阅读指导, 拼写, 和书法.
在我们中学使用, Wilson Just Words® 一个单词学习计划是否强调音位意识, 字的结构, 以及熟练的解码和编码技能. Just Words®专为解码和编码技能低于平均水平的学生设计. It provides information at a sophisticated level with an accelerated introduction to the six syllable types and 拼写 rules.
的 Lindamood音素测序®程序阅读,拼写和语音(LiPS®) 程序建立音位意识. It begins with discovering how speech sounds are articulated and extends into reading and 拼写 multisyllabic words with contextual application. LiPS® uses a multi-sensory approach to increase knowledge of letter symbols and their corresponding sounds. 剑桥语言专家指导学生识别他们的嘴(唇)中“起作用”的是什么, 舌头, 颚)来区分和识别语音之间的微妙之处. Students are also guided towards self-correcting their errors using feedback from feeling the positions used in the production of sounds. 多感官教学有助于理解概念.
的 看星星®阅读流畅性和拼写程序 is a Lindamood-Bell 程序 that helps students develop symbol imagery for sounds within words and visual memory for orthographic patterns. 十大老品牌网赌网址大全利用“看见星星”项目的各个方面来帮助学生建立符号意象技能, 如“空写”简单音节和复杂音节以及高频前缀和后缀. 除了处理单词部分, sight words are also presented so that students have a stronger base of sight words that they can read and spell with success.
的 Hochman基本写作技巧 课程帮助学生发展说明文写作技巧. 的 goal of the writing 程序 is to enable students to express clearly and accurately in written form the ideas they are able to verbalize. 这个项目的核心是句子水平的高强度训练. 包括句子扩展在内的多感官活动, 句子开始, and conjunctions empower students to develop the skill of writing linguistically complex sentences.
剑桥语言专家还在写作过程中提供直接指导, 如何让学生掌握任务中不可或缺的结构和组织策略. 课程强调计划、提纲、校对和编辑. 学习技巧包括记笔记、转述和总结. 语言,写作和语法的机制包括和练习. 的 primary emphasis is on providing a framework for organizing 书面表达 while building linguistic complexity.
Since many students have difficulty applying the writing skills learned in one class to the subject matter of another, 强化很重要. 因此,科学、社会、数学、艺术等学科的教师. 帮助学生继承和加强在写作课上学到的技能. This consistent reinforcement of writing skills assures that students learn to think and write with precision and confidence.
为了帮助学生进一步内化句子写作的基本原理,教师利用了 构建你的思想®句子结构 程序. 这个顺序的、系统的课程教授从简单到复杂的句子结构. Multisensory teaching techniques incorporating graphic symbols and colors help students understand sentence parts and how they function, 学生逐渐学会准确、创造性地构建复合复句.
Directionality 和书法 exercises are an important component of our 较低的学校 程序 and are performed daily. 培养书写流畅性, it is essential for students to internalize the formation of letters beginning with proper top to bottom and left to right movement.
使用多感官技巧,手稿写作在低年级一教 & II使用D 'Nealian™方法,而草书在低年级III教 & IV使用威尔逊Ⓡ序列的字母形成.
除了练习写字, 学生们还接受触摸打字技巧的指导,以提高键盘意识, 速度, 和准确性.
故事语法标记® 一个以研究为基础的项目提供明确的服务吗, 叙述发展和说明性文本理解的系统教学. 它的多感官方法旨在培养口语技能, 书面表达, 批判性思维, 以及视角. SGM®课程明确地教授故事的整体组织, 比如性格, 设置, 初始化事件, 和解决. This practice of externalizing story elements using visual tools effectively reduces the load on working memory and allows students to focus on translating their ideas into words. 另外, SGM®工具和地图突出了文本的微观结构, 哪一种语言手段的使用既能传达意义又能促进批判性思维. 虽然这种方法有效地提高了读写能力, 它还能让学生理解情绪, 动机, 视角和更有效地复述故事.
的 可视化和语言表达®程序的语言理解和思维 is a Lindamood-Bell 程序 that helps students develop concept imagery — the ability to create an imaged gestalt from language. 该课程将概念意象应用于阅读理解, 下面的方向, 口语理解, 高阶思维能力, 富有表现力的语言, 和写作. 可视化和语言化®程序的核心是12个结构词. This helps students to develop the skill of “making a picture or movie” in their minds as they read from the text or as they take in 听觉 information, 例如, 讲故事. 当学生熟练运用这个项目中的策略时,他/她的阅读理解能力就会提高, 听力理解, 批判性思维, 语言表达能力也会提高.
自然阅读®现场阅读 is a highly effective web-based fluency intervention that provides a framework for our students to improve their reading fluency skills. 这个研究性阅读项目结合了教师建模, 反复阅读, 以及进度监控,以提高阅读的速度和准确性,这对有效阅读至关重要. 自然阅读®Live还支持词汇量的发展和促进理解. 的 platform’s powerful strategies and tools increase students’ self-esteem and inspire them to take greater responsibility for their own success.
推理的语言, 语录, and idioms can be difficult to grasp for learning different students — children who can be very literal in their thinking. 的 entire school community is instructed in “的 Idiom of the Week” which is an interesting way for the students to enrich their language and assist them in moving from concrete to more abstract thinking. 接触推理、谚语和习语也有助于提高阅读理解能力.
讲故事,一种独特的艺术形式,是低年级课程的一部分. 讲故事在书面语言和口语之间架起了一座桥梁,提高了听力, 阅读理解, 以及读写能力. 讲故事也能建立自尊, 通过民间传说让学生了解文化, 为解决冲突提供解决问题的技巧, 教学生如何与他人产生共鸣.
中学一 & II students learn Greek and Latin word roots to help them increase vocabulary and 阅读理解. 每个星期, 通过希腊和拉丁单词部分,为学生提供策略性词汇教学. 学生们被赋予了一个有用的, transferable technique for making sense of unfamiliar vocabulary across content areas and on standardized tests. 课堂练习鼓励学生思考单词之间的关系, 在上下文中确定正确的用法, 完整的类比, 在写作和讨论中使用词汇. Teachers also provide students with multi-sensory activities that include these word roots so that they become internalized.